麒麟匯頂級SPA會所 Commercial Design
北京 2015 2500㎡
本案集建筑、室內、景觀設計于一體,在尊重原始古建筑的基礎上, 增加雙"人"字屋脊,圍合出會所的大堂空間。解構社交空間的主題元素——"人", 并將其賦予實體建筑的過程,給予了建筑本身飽滿的生命力。移步庭院邁步大堂, 優美的弧線上揚延伸,與天匯合,八柱鼎立,四獸坐鎮,巨型算珠拔地而起, 群山環繞,水聲叮咚,寥寥幾筆,帶來的是時空與文明的深邃氣勢。在這宏大中, 孔雀綠帷幔與裊裊檀香緩緩地柔化著所有的物的固有形態。佛心熏陶, "收"之態勢由大堂彌漫至包間的每個角落,放松愜意,精致利落,細膩不浮華。 空間與身處其中的人是互相感染的,空間淡然,人則安寧。只是,這淡然是恢弘后的自我節制, 這安寧是閱盡世間百態后堅不可摧的豁達,都散發著逼人的尊貴氣息。 會所俱樂部內置spa養生空間,雪茄吧、酒窖、咖啡吧、茶室等休閑空間, 或意境無窮,或溫潤純粹,或跨越時空,不變的是張弛有度的節奏, 以及淡然與優雅并存的氛圍。古董收藏品點綴其中,如星般閃耀, 彰顯品質與其高端私密的會所定位。
This case integrates architectural, interior and landscape design. On the basis of respecting the original ancient buildings, the double "human" character ridges are added, and the lobby space of the clubhouse is enclosed. Deconstructing the theme element of social space -- "man" and giving it to the process of physical construction gives the building full vitality. Move the courtyard to step up the lobby, the beautiful arc rising and extending, the harmony with the sky, the eight pillars, the four beasts sitting in the town, the giant beasts rising, the mountains surrounded, the sound of water, the few strokes, and the profound and profound momentum of time and space and civilization.