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    金麟SPA水療會所 Commercial Design

    北京  2016 3000㎡

          "大凡為文,當使氣象崢嶸,五色絢爛,漸老漸熟,乃造平淡。"為文如此,室內空間的設計亦如此, 平淡風格在藝術品位中的至上地位不可撼動。本案從空間的實際情況及設計訴求出發,將禪宗思想最大限度地融入空間, 無華麗的材料堆砌,無討巧的精美裝飾,重在空間禪意的營造,不張揚,不磅礴,樸素大方,耐人尋味。 "一花一世界,一葉一菩提",目光所及,每一處小景都能讓人放空自己,讓思想神游。在這里, 浮躁的內心得到沉淀,勞累的身體得到調養。當以人的"實"填充房間的"虛",人的精神便可自由徜徉, 負重的靈魂得以安歇,從而保持個體的高雅與自尊。

    "For the sake of writing, it is plain to make the weather glorious, colorful and gradually mature. "For this article, the design of interior space is also so, and the supremacy of the plain style in art taste can not be shaken. This case, starting from the actual situation of space and the design appeal, integrates Zen ideas into space, without gorgeous materials, without exquisite ornaments, and emphasizes the creation of space Zen, not to be open, not majestic, simple and generous, and intriguing.

    CONTACT 聯系

    Private phone: 13811599565 EMALL:AMrainsunny@163.com address:北京西城區德外大街36號中國建筑設計科技集團B座11層 設計咨詢:010-8206-2199


    Copyright? L.L.C. 2012京ICP備12046377號
