郡府高端SPA會所 Commercial Design
北京 2016 3000㎡
古色古香的郡府SPA會所,中式養生主張陰陽調和、和氣血、保精神。AM依照中國傳統醫學理論, 怡養心神,調攝情志、調劑生活,以傳統中國文化為主題設計了宿總郡府會所。生活在現代都市的人們生活節奏快, 無暇養生。閑暇之時來休閑會所泡一泡,舒緩緊張、改善心情。 進入會所,一股古色古香的中式風格撲面而來, 房間頂部如裊裊青煙般的裝飾,給人以氤氳朦朧之感。前臺前的笑容可掬的"小二"仿佛在招待自己家主子回府一般, 對郡府有個點題。空間內隔斷避免了生硬的墻體,采用給人以"竹""木"的形式形成隔斷,顧客踱步期間如置于園林之中。 隨著顧客向里走,"日照香爐生紫煙"的感覺變成了葡萄藤架形成的"曲徑通幽"。腳下有質感的大理石也變成了"溫暖的沙地"。
Antique ancient residence SPA club, Chinese health advocates harmony between yin and Yang, and Qi, blood and spirit. AM, according to Chinese traditional medical theory, is a kind of heart and soul. It adjusts emotion and adjusts the life. It designs the hostel of the hostel with the theme of traditional Chinese culture. People living in modern cities have a fast pace of life and have no time to keep fit. Leisure time to leisure club bubble, relieve tension and improve mood. Entering the clubhouse, an ancient Chinese style is coming to the surface. The top of the room is decorated with smoke and smoke, giving people a sense of obscurity. The smiling face of the front desk is as if it were entertaining the owner of his home, and he had a problem with the county government. The partition inside space avoids the rigid wall, and uses the form of "bamboo" and "wood" to form partitions. As customers walk in, the feeling of "sunshine incense burner producing purple smoke" becomes the "winding path" of grape vine. Marble at the foot of the texture also turned into a "warm sandy land".