紫羿匯頂級會所 Commercial Design
北京 2017 3000㎡
紫羿匯高檔養生會所,設計師將各種祥瑞騰達的元素完美結合, 打造出形如其名的理想之地,其先進設計理念,注定會在設計界掀起一場風暴。 其外景設計給人視覺震撼,內部設計大膽突破固有思想。夸張的器物比例, 大膽的紋理采用,給人一種飛揚跋扈的霸氣之感,這些都映襯著會員高貴的身份, 讓來賓感受到尊貴人士的優越感。會所定位“小圈層、大視野、真性情”, 會員多為企業高層、藝術界人士、海歸人士等社會名流,擁有國際化的視野, 懂得享受生活。宗教元素與歷史典故的主題,凸顯會所的獨特個性。 內部造型、色彩、燈光、裝潢,別出心裁,處處透著新鮮、脫俗的感覺; 生態美學的應用,使人與自然結合,互不脫離,給人舒適、親切、和諧之感來到會所, 同為社會精英,一同放下身段,眾人嬉笑怒罵、插科打諢。身體放松,精神享受,夫復何求?
With the perfect combination of all kinds of auspicious Tengda elements, the designer makes the ideal place like its name, and its advanced design concept is destined to set off a storm in the design world. Its exterior design is visually stunning, and interior design is bold in breaking through the inherent ideas. The proportion of exaggerated utensils, the bold texture, and the arrogant sense of overbearing, all of which reflect the noble identity of the members, and let the guests feel the superiority of the distinguished people.