阿爾卑斯自助餐廳萬達店 Restaurant Design
北京 2016 1800㎡
做為有一定歷史積淀,要推陳出新的餐飲品牌空間設計,方案將美式元素與現代風格融為一體,現代風格作為骨架,充分滿足空 間功能性需求,用餐位充足又寬敞舒心;美式元素貫穿始終,在文化感的基礎上成就了一種休閑的浪漫溫馨氛圍。 不矯揉造作,無瑣碎 約束是兩種風格的共通之處。
動線流暢,桌椅舒適簡潔,曲線造型在頂面舒展,視線與腳步無意中隨著曲線游走,心情也舒緩放松起來 ,孰知這無意中已完成了預設的井然有序的取餐過程。燈具、 吊頂、墻面造型帶著十足的創意與美式情調賦予空間韻味與活力。
In order to have a certain historical accumulation, it is necessary to develop a new restaurant brand space design. The scheme integrates American elements and modern style into one, and the modern style is the skeleton to fully meet the spatial functional requirements, and the dining space is ample and spacious. Romantic and warm atmosphere. No affectation, no trivial restraint is the commonality of the two styles.