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    拉卡拉控股辦公樓 Office Design

    北京  2017 16000㎡


    As an internet financial leading enterprise, La Kara needs to give people a rigorous and formal style. AM design is honored to undertake this project and design it. The core of the space design is "people-oriented, service, innovation and development" as the starting point, reasonably planning the space, showing the space, and realizing the Silicon Valley style office. Innovation, simplicity, taste and modernity are our outstanding characteristics. Comfort, humanity, health,

    CONTACT 聯系

    Private phone: 13811599565 EMALL:AMrainsunny@163.com address:北京西城區德外大街36號中國建筑設計科技集團B座11層 設計咨詢:010-8206-2199


    Copyright? L.L.C. 2012京ICP備12046377號
